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Friday, September 20, 2024

Another Drawing By Odun Orimolade

Nameless by Odun Orimolade. This is another example of her work showcasing a dark background and mostly white subject. To me, it is harder to tell what is going on in this drawing, and I find that the title is quite suiting. Despite this, the work remains to be very interesting.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Drawing as a Verb Research (Odun Orimolade)

 This drawing, titled Clarity is one drawing that really caught my eye. Orimolade's work was shown in Roger Malbert's Drawing People: The Human Figure in Contemporary Art. Though this book featured many artists and drawings, I found her work to intrigue me the most. I was really fascinated with the contrast of the dark background and the body. This style is consistent in her drawings, and I feel like it's effective in making the subject stand out. 

Assignment 1: Observational Drawing


This is an observational drawing of a plant in my room. Made with graphite pencils.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Assignment 1: Accidental Drawing

This was created using india ink spilled on the paper. I decided the spill resembled the back of a flower, and completed the drawing using graphite.